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[Other resourceJava技术大合集

Description: 《Java技术大合集》,电子书籍都是从网络上搜集整理成TXT文本文件。收集了:Java Socket编程、JSP语法、WebSphere快速入门等。-"Java technology, Collection," e-books are collected from the network up into TXT text files. Collected : Java Socket Programming, JSP syntax, such as WebSphere Quick Start.
Platform: | Size: 1304281 | Author: 邓志伟 | Hits:

[Telnet Clienttelnet config

Description: TELNET程序,用SOCKET控件开发,可以支持 从TXT文件中读取命令并执行-TELNET procedures used SOCKET control development, TXT support from the document read the Executive Order and
Platform: | Size: 13488 | Author: hzc | Hits:


Description: 《Java技术大合集》,电子书籍都是从网络上搜集整理成TXT文本文件。收集了:Java Socket编程、JSP语法、WebSphere快速入门等。-"Java technology, Collection," e-books are collected from the network up into TXT text files. Collected : Java Socket Programming, JSP syntax, such as WebSphere Quick Start.
Platform: | Size: 1303552 | Author: 邓志伟 | Hits:

[Telnet ServerMyTelnet

Description: telnet服务器的实现: 1.客户端通过telnet连接后,服务器返回系统的一些信息(自己定义,至少应该包括程序作者的学号),之后显示提示符"login:"提示用户输入用户名进行登录 2.要求对用户名和密码进行验证。用户名和密码均为学号的后3位。如果用户名和密码错误则返回invalid user or passwd并提示重新输入 3.服务器端至少支持如下命令(命令不带参数) author:返回程序作者的相关信息 date:返回服务器的当前日期,日期的格式自己定义,但在help中做出说明 time:返回服务器的当前时间,时间的格式自己定义,但在help中做出说明 help:返回服务器所支持的命令 bye:与服务器断开连接 若输入了不支持的命令,则应回显相应的提示,如提示用户键入help来查看相应的命令 提示:服务器端有一个接收客户端输入字符的缓冲区,逐个字符进行接收;当发现是回车键后,即执行已接收字符对应的命令并回显.另外,telnet.exe是windows下自带的程序 设计的要求如下: 1.使用基本的套接口函数进行开发,即使用socket()、bind()、listen()、accept()等 2.不使用图形界面,只要能用文本显示相关信息即可,另外,需要把这些相关信息写入到一日志文件中(文件名为:学号.txt) 内附程序说明书
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: 张某某 | Hits:


Description: C++实例(简单的Windows套接字(Socket)例子).txt-C++ examples (a simple Windows Sockets (Socket) example). Txt
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 凌威 | Hits:


Description: 用VC++6.0的Sockets API实现一个聊天室程序.txt   VC++对网络编程的支持有socket支持,WinInet支持,MAPI和ISAPI支持等。其中,Windows Sockets API是TCP/IP网络环境里,也是Internet上进行开发最为通用的API。最早美国加州大学Berkeley分校在UNIX下为TCP/IP协议开发了一个API,这个API就是著名的Berkeley Socket接口(套接字)。在桌面操作系统进入Windows时代后,仍然继承了Socket方法。在TCP/IP网络通信环境下,Socket数据传输是一种特殊的I/O,它也相当于一种文件描述符,具有一个类似于打开文件的函数调用-socket()。可以这样理解:Socket实际上是一个通信端点,通过它,用户的Socket程序可以通过网络和其他的Socket应用程序通信。Socket存在于一个"通信域"(为描述一般的线程如何通过Socket进行通信而引入的一种抽象概念)里,并且与另一个域的Socket交换数据。Socket有三类。第一种是SOCK_STREAM(流式),提供面向连接的可靠的通信服务,比如telnet,http。第二种是SOCK_DGRAM(数据报),提供无连接不可靠的通信,比如UDP。第三种是SOCK_RAW(原始),主要用于协议的开发和测试,支持通信底层操作,比如对IP和ICMP的直接访问。 -VC++6.0 using the Sockets API procedures for the realization of a chat room. Txt VC++ on the support network programming socket support, WinInet support, MAPI and ISAPI support. One, Windows Sockets API is TCP/IP network environment, but also for the development of Internet, the most common API. The first University of California, Berkeley campus in UNIX for the TCP/IP protocol has developed an API, the API is well-known Berkeley Socket interface (socket). Into the Windows desktop operating system in the era after the Socket method inherited. In the TCP/IP network communication environment, Socket data transmission is a special kind of I/O, it is equivalent to a file descriptor, open the file with a similar function call in-socket (). Can interpret it this way: Socket is a communication endpoint, through which users can program the Socket and other network applications of Socket Communications. Socket exist in a "communication domain" (as described in the general thread o
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 李涛 | Hits:


Description: socket版五子棋,按照readme.txt文件中的说明操作便可实现两台电脑上的五子棋游戏!-socket version of Gobang, in accordance with the instructions in readme.txt file on the computer can achieve both welcome to play!
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: gaoqi | Hits:


Description: 实现Socket Pool功能, 节省建立Socket开销, 实现高效通信.-Socket Pool Source Code
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: Joseph Fan | Hits:


Description: vc6,网络编程。 Socket编程 │ ReadMe.txt │ Resource.h │ Socket.aps │ Socket.clw │ Socket.cpp │ Socket.dsp │ Socket.dsw │ Socket.h │ Socket.ncb │ Socket.opt │ Socket.plg │ Socket.rc │ Socket.sln │ Socket.vcproj │ SocketDlg.cpp │ SocketDlg.h │ StdAfx.cpp │ StdAfx.h-│ ReadMe.txt │ Resource.h │ Socket.aps │ Socket.clw │ Socket.cpp │ Socket.dsp │ Socket.dsw │ Socket.h │ Socket.ncb │ Socket.opt │ Socket.plg │ Socket.rc │ Socket.sln │ Socket.vcproj │ SocketDlg.cpp │ SocketDlg.h │ StdAfx.cpp │ StdAfx.h
Platform: | Size: 9674752 | Author: kangkang | Hits:


Description: TCP 协议基础教学代码,一个server 一个 client,client从txt文件里面摘取名人名言语句发给server-Basic teaching code of the TCP protocol, a server an the client, the client from the txt file to the removal of celebrities famous statement distributed server
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 李鹏飞 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopLinux-Socket

Description: linux下运行SOCKET的客户端和服务器端程序,操作步骤写在readme.txt中-SOCKET client and server-side program running under linux, the steps in the readme.txt
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: shindow | Hits:


Description: C#基于udp的socket发送所选txt文件数据,输入发送路数,完成多路并发-C# to sending txt file selected based on udp socket data input to send large ones, to complete multiple concurrent
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: bafc | Hits:


Description: C# socket消息提醒功能,有服务器端和客户端源程序,开机自启动,缩小到任务栏右下角。服务器端读取数据库(oracle),当有新数据时,客户端右下角弹窗提醒。(注:客户端和服务器端的Bin目录下都有txt文件存取IP地址)-C# socket message reminders, server and client source code, boot from the start, reduced to the lower right corner of the task bar. Server-side to read the database (oracle), and the lower-right corner of the client popup alert when new data. (Note: the Bin directory of the client and server side has txt file to access the IP address)
Platform: | Size: 533504 | Author: 乾仔 | Hits:


Description: 在线TXT 小说阅读目前广泛流行,基于这一实际需求,开发基于Socket 的在线迷你 TXT 小说管理平台,TXT 小说管理平台的主要功能包括会员的登录与注册,按小说分类在线阅读、 上传和下载小说。 要求: 1. 使用JDK 自带功能实现该系统。 2. 禁止使用数据库 3. 必须按照c/s结构完成系统,不许使用客户端直接操作服务端使用的文件 -Read online TXT novel is widely popular, based on the actual needs of the development of the online mini TXT novel management platform based on Socket, TXT novel management platform features include member login and registration Fiction in online reading, upload and download novels. Requirements: 1. Use JDK comes with functions of the system. 2. Prohibit the use of the database. System must be completed in accordance with the c/s structure, not allowed to use the direct manipulation of client-side file
Platform: | Size: 778240 | Author: yangzhen | Hits:

[Software Engineeringvoip.txt

Description: 功能主要讲解的是iOS开发的时候,后台无限运行socket的实现-Function mainly explain the iOS development, infinite background run the realization of the socket
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 李俊杰 | Hits:


Description: 在线 TXT 小说阅读目前广泛流行,基于这一实际需求,开发基于Socket 的在线迷你TXT 小说管理平台,TXT 小说管理平台的主要功能包括会员的登录与注册,按小说分类在线阅读、 上传和下载小说。-Online reading TXT novel widely popular, based on the actual demand, the development of online mini Socket TXT novel based management platform, the main function TXT novel management platform include members login and registration, classification according to the novel read online, upload and download novels.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 董洪亮 | Hits:


Description: socket universal client. txt, socket universal client implementation, useful
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 贺利祥 | Hits:


Description: 基于TCP协议的Socket编程,分为服务端和客户端,包括用户名注册,登陆,上传文件,判断文件格式是否为.txt,搜索文件,注销等功能,并且还有一部分利用UDP协议实现ping功能-Socket programming based on TCP protocol, divided into server and client, including user name registration, login, upload files to determine whether the file format. Txt, search for files, cancellation and other functions, and there are still some ping function using UDP protocol
Platform: | Size: 2821120 | Author: 程功 | Hits:


Description: 基于Socket 的在线迷你TXT小说管理平台,TXT 小说管理平台的主要功能包括会员的登录与注册,按小说分类在线阅读、上传和下载小说-Online Mini TXT novel management platform based on Socket, TXT novel management platform main function includes login and registration of members, according to the classification of novel reading online, upload and download Novels
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: 淘气包 | Hits:


Description: 实现客户端与服务端基于tcp协议通讯,服务端为机器人,客户端为客户,机器人词库通过读取txt文件来实现,方便增添和修改(Chat robot Realize client and server communication based on TCP protocol)
Platform: | Size: 35647488 | Author: 小码 | Hits:
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